Hurdle works with mothers and fathers in Coventry and the surrounding areas who are at risk of, or who have already suffered, the removal of one or more children from their care.
Hurdle offers befriending, peer and mentoring support, in addition to providing supportive programmes, activities and projects.
We operate from a relationship-based model, where the strength of the family-worker relationship is key. We are committed to working in partnership to overcome the obstacles to change to help men and women achieve a positive, healthy and empowered future.
We help parents and parents-to-be with any issues they may be experiencing, such as confidence, self-esteem, life skills, addressing previous trauma, mental health issues, substance abuse, poor education & employment opportunities, poverty, housing insecurity and isolation. Hurdle offers learning and personal development opportunities in relation to parenting skills such as basic care, routines, play and stimulation, safety and protection.
Hurdle services are run by staff and volunteers, and are free of charge.
Hurdle is run by Dudley Lodge, a UK registered charity and one of the leading Family Assessment Centres in England and Wales.
At Dudley Lodge, our focus is to keep families together when it is safe and in the best interest of the child to do so. We assess all types of families from couples to single mothers and fathers of all ages and abilities. We have two assessment Centres, one in Birmingham, and one in Coventry but we work with families from all over the UK.
In 2015, Dudley Lodge was awarded lottery funding to develop and deliver a community outreach project, designed to extend its support beyond the end of their residential assessment programmes.
The success of this programme in reducing the need for Children’s Social Care involvement with the participants demonstrated the impact and need for an ongoing service.
As a result, Dudley Lodge launched Hurdle as a sustainable and ongoing part of its services. You can read more about the inspiration for Hurdle here.
Your donation can make a huge difference to vulnerable families in Coventry and beyond, helping parents and their children to be happy and healthy.
We help people to develop the self-esteem, life skills, wellbeing and confidence they need to become effective parents to existing or future children.
We work in partnership with, and on referral from, organisations across the local authority, healthcare, legal and charitable sectors.
Hurdle is a community-led programme to support parents who are vulnerable and disadvantaged and whose children are involved in care proceedings.
Funded by the National Lottery Community Fund
Funded by the National Lottery Community Fund