We are funded by the National Lottery Community Fund

Thank you National Lottery players for your support!

We are incredibly happy to announce that we have kindly been granted £379,514 for 5-years’ project funding by the National Lottery Community Fund! 

We cannot thank National Lottery Players enough for your support in helping Hurdle’s cause to help keep children and their families together safely. 

It’s provided us with the greatly needed opportunity for us to reach as many families as possible who would benefit from our support.  

With your help, we are now able to expand our service to reach greater numbers of families in addition to expanding in wider geographical areas. We will now also be able to offer greatly-needed therapy as part of our service; including a compassion focused therapy group via Phoenix Psychology and  trauma informed counselling via The Parenting Project. 

We’re proud and excited to be funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and look forward to sharing success stories from the impact of Hurdle’s work. 

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Funded by the National Lottery Community Fund